Viet united score 14 in dominant win

Viet United were back on the field after a 4-4 draw to Unmeggable FC in the previous match day. They looked to continue their unbeaten run while chasing 1st placed Brazcouver. Average Joes were looking to put a brutal 16-0 loss against Brazcouver in their rear view mirror.

The game started with nothing but dominance from Viet United and Chung opened up their scoring in the 2nd minute. After the first goal, it was all Viet United on attack and Average Joe’s were barely able to get a look on the attack. C. Nguyen doubled the scoring in the 10th minute and got himself a brace in the 12th minute to make it 3-0.

Viet United were running laps around Average Joes and it was 8-0 at half-time. An own goal from Jordan and a double from Rmah (19′, 23′) helped Viet United run away with the game at half-time. The game was only halfway over but Viet United had already scored their most goals in a game with their previous high being 6.

It wasn’t all bad for Average Joes as Lee scored the first goal of the 2nd half to make it 8-1 in the 29th minute. However, Viet United scored again just a minute later. Rmah scored his 3rd in 30th minute and Phan his first goal of the game in the 33rd minute. Tinh and Le were able to get onto the score sheet as well, both in minute 39. In the 42nd minute, Average Joes made their last mark on the box score when Tarin received the games’ only yellow card. Chung wrapped up the scoring in the 43rd minute as the score read 14-1. 

In this game, there was a clear gap in play between the teams. Viet United continued their pursuit of Brazcouver as they are only one place behind them while Viet United remain undefeated. For Average Joes, they’ll be relieved the game was over. They’re coming off of two abysmal losses and look to take a turn in the right direction in the next few weeks. Average Joes hope that run of good fortune will come sooner rather than later as the other bottom place teams are breathing down their neck.

Average Joe’s – Viet United – 1:14
: Lee (28′) – Chung (2′, 43′), C. Nguyen (10′, 12′, 20′), Phoutthavongsa (13′) Jordan-OG (17′), Rmah (19′, 23′, 30′), Phan (33′), #5 (36′), Tinh (39′), Le (39′)
YC: Tarin (42′)

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