Strathcona Primo cruise to victory after 15 goal display

Strathcona Primo FC have continued their dominance after a convincing 15-3 win over Rats United.

Similar to their previous game, Strathcona Primo went on the attack as soon as the game started. By the 12th minute, they already led by a hefty margin of 5-0. The first goal came in the 4th minute from Matteo Flex. Strathcona had a long spell of possession that allowed him to get right in front of goal to score. One minute later, Strathcona Primo entered the Rats United half with speed and precision with Flex again drilling a shot into the bottom of the net. In the 8th minute, another shot was put into the same corner for yet another clinical goal. Just two minutes after the third goal was scored, Strathcona Primo netted their fourth goal after they disrupted one of Rats United’s attacks and a counter led to an easy finish for [player]. In the 12th minute, Rats United attempted to clear the ball from their penalty box but it ended up in the path of Eduardo Verdugo who headed the ball into the net.

It wasn’t all dominance from Strathcona Primo in the first half. Matthew Wahl for Rats United responded back to five unanswered goals with a rebound from a shot that was originally saved but then tapped in by Wahl. However, that would be all the attack Rats United would have as Strathcona Primo scored three more goals before half-time, courtesy of Richard Culleton and Matteo Flex. At half-time, Strathcona Primo led 8-1.

After half-time, the same pattern followed as Strathcona Primo FC were the first team to get on the board in the second half. In the 25th minute, a Rats United goal kick was sent back into the path of Strathcona Primo and Page-Vincelli got in front of the net to slide the ball past the keeper. Two minutes later, Rats United scored again when Derek Fong dribbled through multiple defenders to get a clean look on goal to make it 9-2.

Strathcona Primo added two more goals in consecutive minutes in the 28th and 29th minute from #15. For both goals, Rats United were dispossessed and Strathcona Primo quickly turned defense into attack to score their 10th and 11th goal of the game. They followed up their pattern when #15 and Kyano Aravena scored a pair of consecutive goals in the 37th and 38th minute. The final imprints on the game were made by Verdugo and Flex in the 42nd and 45th minute to clinch the dominant win. Amir Kadiric scored for Rats United one minute later but it was nothing but a consolation goal.

This was another dominant win for Strathcona Primo as they are starting to pick up their stride. They have now recorded three straight wins with 38 combined goals.

Rats United 3-15 Strathcona Primo FC

Goals: Wahl (13′), Fong (27′), Kadiric (49′) – Flex (4′, 5′, 18′, 19′, 45′), Culleton (8′, 17′), Tesan (11′), Verdugo (12′, 42′), Page-Vincelli (25′), #15 (28′, 29′, 37′) Aravena (42′)

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