Romania victorious in season finale

In the final regular game, first placed Romania ended the season on a winning note, defeating Viet United 7-4.

The goals began in the sixth minute when Viet United got on the front foot from a corner. The ball was quickly played to Hao Pham and he blasted a low driven shot into the net to give his team the early lead. In the 11th minute the next big scoring chance when the ball was played to speedy Robert Sing who evened the game at one goal. Following the equalizer, Viet United were awarded a penalty kick in the 18th minute. Trung Quang Huynh walked up to the spot and put away the ball and give Viet United the lead again. Huynh doubled the lead in the next minute when Romania turned the ball over, giving Viet United a two man counter attack, leading to their third goal. Both goalkeeper’s shut out any chances in the final minutes of the half as Viet United had the lead at half-time.

To begin the second half, Romania came roaring back to tie the game at 3-3. Two quick goal in the first four minutes, and the game was even by the 29th minute. However, the deadlock wouldn’t last long as Viet United took back the lead in the 31st minute. Huynh came speeding down the wing and then dribbled around the goalkeeper for another spectacular goal and to give his team the lead. Once Romania fell behind, it turned out to be the best thing that happened to them all game. After going down by a goal, Romania scored four straight goals to take back the game. They tied the game in the 5th minute and in the 39th minute Marini produced great dribbling and managed to keep his control and score. Romania added two more goals in the final 12 minutes to secure the 7-4 win.

Throughout the season, Romania were head and shoulders above the competition. They proved with their offensive prowess and defensive resiliency no other team was a match for them. They end the season with a convincing win as they head into the playoffs.

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