No Show Policy

No Show Policy

While it is each team’s choice to decide whether to play each week, we expect that by registering your team, you are committing to attend scheduled events. We will reserve a space for your team in our league schedule in exchange for your team attending and utilizing that space. Our business and the satisfaction of our entire membership are contingent upon the honour of this agreement.

Any team that does not appear is defined as failing to field the minimum number of players required for the sport. Additionally, a team will be considered a no-show if they do not field the minimum number of players of each gender required for that game modality.

If a team is a no-show, the following procedures will be followed:

  1. 1st Contumacy – The result will be forfeited in favour of the opponent’s team. The No-Show team will be fined $50 – $80 (point 10.4 of Fines and Penalties) to cover the field expenses for that game.
  2. 2nd Contumacy – The result will be forfeited in favour of the opponent’s team. The No-Show team will be fined $80 – $150 (point 10.4 of Fines and Penalties) for repetitive violation of the league rules and to cover field expenses for that game.
  3. 3rd Contumacy – The result will be forfeited in favour of the opponent’s team. The No-Show team will be fined $150 – $200 (point 10.4 of Fines and Penalties) for repetitive violation of the league rules and to cover field expenses for that game. The team will also be expelled for the rest of the season.
  4. The team that failed to pay their fines before the next game day will be dropped from the league’s posted schedule for the remainder of the season until they pay the required no-show compensation.
  5. If a team does not pay the required no-show compensation, they will be automatically dropped from the league.
  6. Please see section 10.4 in the Fines document and section 10.4 in the Penalties document for reference

No-show compensation must be paid in full within three business days of the no-show. This compensation will be charged by the league to the team’s Credit Card or online via GotSport. Payment for no-shows will be distributed as follows:

  1. The team(s) that did show up will be reimbursed for the cost of the game they missed.
  2. A 10% administration fee will be assessed.
  3. The remaining balance will be held in trust until the end of the season in which the no-show occurred. If there are no subsequent no-shows, the remaining balance will be refunded to the team in full. If a second no-show occurs, the remaining funds will be applied to any outstanding balances outlined in points 1 and 2 above. If the remainder does not cover the amounts in points 1 and 2, the no-show team will be required to pay the difference.

This payment will be charged to the team’s credit card or must be made via the GotSport system through THIS LINK.

No-show compensation to teams will be paid in a credit card refund for the team registration. A credit will be issued if the card has expired or altered for any reason. The team captain is responsible for adequately allocating any no-show compensation.

Canada Minifootball will make every effort to collect on all outstanding no-show fees. However, suppose a team does not pay its no-show compensation. In that case, it will be dropped from the league and barred from future participation in Minifootball Canada. No compensation will be paid to the no-show teams in this situation until the no-show team pays the compensation.
It is important to note that Minifootball Canada does not profit from the No-Show Policy.