No Alcohol Policy

No Alcohol policy

Canada Minifootball operates all its leagues, tournaments, and events out of various public facilities. Unless otherwise stated, these facilities are unlicensed. As such, alcohol consumption during Canada Minifootball leagues, tournaments, or events is prohibited unless consumed following British Columbia liquor laws.

Any participant found to violate these laws may face legal penalties (the current fine for consumption of alcohol in a public place is $230) and expulsion from the Canada Minifootball League, tournament, or event.

When participating in Canada Minifootball leagues held at Vancouver facilities, the Vancouver Park Board’s field use permit states that “at no time shall alcoholic beverages be dispensed, sold, or consumed on the park.” This means that you are not permitted to sell, distribute, or consume alcohol while on one of the City’s fields. This is a policy of zero tolerance. If it is determined that you have violated the Policy your ability to participate in Canada Minifootball leagues will be terminated.

When participating in Canada Minifootball leagues held at Burnaby facilities, the Burnaby School Board’s field use permit states that “There shall be no consumption of alcoholic beverages upon properties owned or operated by the Board without prior written permission from the Board.” This means you are prohibited from selling, distributing, or consuming alcohol while on one of the City’s fields. This is a policy of zero tolerance. If it is determined that you have violated the Policy, your ability to participate in Canada Minifootball leagues will be terminated.

Glass bottles are not permitted in any facility where Canada Minifootball leagues, tournaments, or events are held.

You are not permitted to engage in disorderly or lewd behaviour, including behaviour associated with alcohol or controlled substances.