Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct


Canada Minifootball strives to create a welcoming, inclusive, and safe environment for its members, staff, and participants. Canada Minifootball has a zero-tolerance policy for bullying, discrimination, and sexual harassment and strongly encourages all incidents to be reported through the channels listed below.

British Columbia’s sport sector and Canada Minifootball LTD. (Canada Minifootball) are committed to creating sport environments that are free from all forms of harm including sexual, physical, mental, emotional and psychological.

This Conduct will help you learn about the Responsibilities and Prohibited Behaviours found in the Code of Conduct, so you can be an active contributor to a safer sport culture.

This Code of Conduct has been designed with the recommendations of the B.C. Universal Code of Conduct. The purpose of the code is to set standards for the culture of sport in Canada Minifootball. Any violations of the Code are subject to review and disciplinary procedures according to the respective sport organization’s policy.


  • Every participant has a responsibility to:
  • Make sure their intentions, actions and efforts put priority on the safety of all Participants.
  • Treat others with respect and dignity.
  • Promote sportsmanship, leadership, and ethical conduct.
  • Respect the diversity of Participants and reject discrimination.
  • Treat individuals fairly and reasonably.
  • Follow the rules of the sport, and the spirit of the rules.
  • Report any acts or suspicions of inappropriate behaviours or other Maltreatment.
  • Make sure all individuals feel included.
  • Accept feedback about their own behaviours, and work to correct problems.
  • Establish, respect, and maintain appropriate boundaries with Participants.
  • Make sure that interactions respect the role of every Participant in the sport.
  • Make sure that individual accountability is promoted during interactions.
  • Make sure that interactions are transparent and easily understood by both Participants and outside observers.
  • Monitor their own behaviours, and the behaviours of others.
  • Take seriously all reports, allegations, and suspicions of Maltreatment.
  • Identify and participate in conversations that lead to positive behaviour change.
  • Do not take part in any Prohibited Behaviours.

All participants in a position of trust or authority have a responsibility to:

  • Protect the health and well-being of all other Participants.
  • Prevent or reduce opportunities for Maltreatment and other Prohibited Behaviours.
  • Respond to any Maltreatment involving Minors and other Vulnerable Participants.
  • Learn to recognize systemic bias, unconscious bias, and to respond quickly and effectively to Discriminatory practices.
  • Recognize when you are in a position of Power Imbalance.

Prohibited Behaviours

It is a violation of the Canada Minifootball Code of Conduct to engage in:

Psychological maltreatment includes Verbal Conduct such as yelling; Non-assaultive physical conduct such as throwing items; or behaviours restricting attention or support, such as abandoning an athlete as punishment for poor performance.

Physical Maltreatment includes Contact behaviours such as deliberately hitting someone; or Non-contact behaviours such as the use of exercise for the purposes of punishment.

Sexual Maltreatment of Minors or Adult participants, including Criminal Code offences; and any comment or conduct of a sexual nature that is unwelcome or that would be objectively perceived as unwelcome by an outside observer. 

Grooming which can include one or several acts that, viewed objectively, make it easier to either engage in Sexual Maltreatment or reduce the chance that Sexual Maltreatment will be reported.

Boundary transgressions which include a wide range of activities such as communicating privately with a Minor through social media or text; or one-on-one meetings that are not held in an open and observable environment. 

Neglect such as not providing an athlete recovery time and/or treatment for a sport injury.

Discrimination such as denying someone access to participating in sport or treating them unfairly.

Subjecting a Participant to the Risk of Maltreatment such as putting Participants in situations that could obviously make them vulnerable to Maltreatment.

Aiding and Abetting which includes any action intended to result in Maltreatment by or against a Participant.

Failure to Report possible Maltreatment, Prohibited Behaviour, or Boundary Transgressions toward a Minor or an Adult Participant.

Intentionally Filing a False Allegation or influencing someone else to file one. Making a False Allegation is different from an Unsubstantiated Allegation, which is where an allegation is made honestly but there’s not enough evidence to prove it. Honestly made Unsubstantiated Allegations are not prohibited actions.

Interference with or Manipulation of Process such as knowingly falsifying, distorting, misrepresenting, concealing, or destroying information with the intent to influence the proceedings or outcome of the resolution process.

Retaliation includes threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, or any other behaviour that would discourage a reasonable person from participating in an investigation or disciplinary review process at any point in the process, regardless of the outcome.

Members of Canada Minifootball are expected to behave and commit to creating a sport environment that are free from all forms of harm including sexual, physical, mental, emotional and psychological. When you agree to join Canada Minifootball, you indicate, by your registration, that you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. Please ensure that your have read the Code of Conduct in full and understand your responsibilities and prohibited behaviours in the Code of Conduct, so you can be an active contributor to a safer sport culture.

No refunds will be given for loss of membership privileges due to a breach of the Code of Conduct. Anyone that fails to adhere to the code of conduct is subject to penalties that include but are not limited to suspension of any length, complete expulsion for an indefinite amount of time, exclusion from other Canada Minifootball and/or events.

All members are encouraged to exercise good judgment in caring for the safety of others as well as themselves. In the event you witness or experience threatening or inappropriate behavior by another individual, please report the situation immediately to Canada Minifootball staff or management.

If you encounter any misconduct during your Canada Minifootball experience, please contact Unless otherwise specified by British Columbia’s governing laws, all complaints will be handled confidentially by Canada Minifootball. We recognize that these are sensitive subjects that must be handled professionally and appropriately.

By selecting the “I have read, understand, and agree to the Release above” button and hitting the “Complete Registration” button, I acknowledge having read and understood the above CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT and am aware that I am waiving certain legal rights.