Fines and Penalties

fines and penalties

Shortcuts for the list of Fines and Penalties
1 W Stop in the next league round (1 Week)
2 M Stop for one month of playing time
3 Y Stop for one Year of playing time
4 YC Yellow Card
5 RC Red Card
6 DC Disciplinary Commission


1.   Unsporting behaviour on the field
1.1 Shouting on the field, arguing before a kick or throw-in, non-compliance the prescribed position when performing a kick, feigning a foul or injury, tripping balls, arbitrarily leaving the playing area by a player, failure to observe the prescribed equipment, thwarting a goal-scoring opportunity by stopping an attacking player with an offense against the rules, preventing a goal from being scored with a deliberate hand in one’s own penalty area and others similar cases or repeated violations of the rules 1 W
2.   Unsporting behaviour towards competitors, teammates and/or spectators
2.1 Cursing, gestures, spitting, etc. actions intended to humiliate or ridicule the attacked 1 W – 2 W
2.2 Gross insults 2 W – 4 W
2.3 Insults with racist undertones 2 W – 8 W
2.4 Threatening 2 W – 6 W
3.   Unsporting behaviour towards referees, governing bodies or field managers
3.1 Criticism, gestures, disobedience 1 W – 4 W
3.2 Rude protests, insults 2 W – 5 W
3.3 Vulgar expressions, derogatory statements, threats 2 W – 8 W
3.4 Spitting, tearing or punching out the Match Record or cards from the hand 4 W – 12 W
3.5 Intentional damage to the playground area 2 W – 12 W
4.   Fouls and unsportsmanlike play
4.1 Holding the opponent, pushing, thrusting, jumping on the opponent 1 W – 2 W
4.2 Tripping an opponent, trying to cause his fall by setting his foot or crouching 1 W – 2 W
4.3 Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent 2 W – 10 W
4.4 Hitting or attempting to hit an opponent 2 W – 6 W
5.   Physical assault of opponents, teammates, spectators and retaliation on and/or off the field, gross unsportsmanship
5.1 By punching, thrusting, pushing, catching, hitting with a ball or other object and in another similar way, if the victim was NOT injured 2 W – 12 W
5.2 In any other way, if there was an injury to the attacked person, especially if it resulted his incapacity for work 2 M – Lifetime
6.   Physical assault of a referee, official, governing authority, field administrator on and/or off the field
6.1 Insult, if there was no injury to the person insulted 2 M – 2 Y
6.2 Insults, if there was an injury to the person insulted, especially if it resulted from his incapacity for work 6 M – Lifetime
7.   Physical assault of a referee, official, governing authority, field administrator on and/or off the field
7.1 In any way, even without payment or the promise of payment. Participation in the agreed result, intentionally influencing the outcome of the match by team members, bribing opponent players, referees or other officials, promises, bribes and other actions disrupting the regularity of the competition Disqualification of the result a

deduction of 12 points in the table

7.2 Voluntary leaving of the playing area by the entire team, refusal to continue the game, intentional failure to attend the match by the entire team, running onto the playing field during the match, etc. Contumacy of the result
8.   Error in registration, transfer, and/or hosting
8.1 Falsification of data in internal documents of the CML, their invalidation, knowingly providing fictitious data, etc. 3 M – 1 Y
9.   Warning of players (Cards)
9.1 Awarding of the 4th yellow card in the season 1 W
9.2 Awarding of the 8th yellow card in the season 2 W
9.3 Awarding of the 12th yellow card in the season (for each additional 4th yellow card + 1 S) 3 W
10.     Illegal players and match cancellation
10.1 An illegal player in the match (the penalty for the captain of the offending team) 2 W – 6 W
10.2 An illegal player in the match (penalty for the offending team) Contumacy of the result
10.3 Illegal player in the match (penalty for a player who entered illegally) 4 W
10.4 Contumacy of the result in any competition, including No-Show Contumacy of the result
11.     Mandatory team equipment
11.1 Missing ball for a game (does not apply when the home team secured all balls according to the competition’s propositions, but balls got lost during the game) Forfeiture in the event that there is no option to play with any ball
11.2 Missing player equipment (shirt, shorts, cleats) Forfeit if the number of players properly equipped will fall below the number in which team can start the match
12.     Referees
12.1 Non-appearance of the referee to officiate the match according to the decision of the CML Assignor According to the decision of the CML Assignor
12.2 Late arrival of the referee to the match, which causes its late start
12.3 Arriving at the match in a state unfit to be called off 2 W – 6 W
12.4 Significant influence on the match According to the decision of the CML Assignor
12.5 Incomplete equipment of the referee
12.6 Incomplete match record According to the decision of the CML Assignor
12.7 Late delivery of the match record, failure to report results According to the decision of the CML Assignor
12.8 Failure to timely report disciplinary offences to the DC of the CML
12.9 Failure to check players’ registration cards or identity documents before the match
12.10 Allowing a player onto the field in incomplete equipment (jersey, shorts, boots, protectors)
12.11 Failure to check balls (number, density) intended for play
12.12 Completion of the match record only after the signature of the captains, storing the match record within reach of the players during the match, returning the players’ registration cards or identity documents to the captain before the end of the match
12.13 Non-participation in one of the announced referee training dates for the given half-season
12.14 Failure to provide adequate compensation in case of refusal of a confirmed delegation after the specified period
12.15 In case of repeated offence (points 12.1 – 12.14) 1 W – 3 M
13.     Consuming prohibited substances in the playing area and during the game
13.1 Ingestion of a prohibited substance by a member of the CML (such us drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.) in the area of the playing area and during the match 1 W – 6 W
13.2 Joining the match in a state unfit to play it 2 W – 6 W
14.     Other offences
14.1 Non-attendance of the summed person at the meeting of the CML DC or the appeal body without an excuse
14.2 Failure to properly perform the organizing service (untidy playground, unlined playground, etc.)
14.3 Disobeying the organizing service
14.4 Cigarette smoking in the case of a member of the CML, a functionary
14.5 Refusal of the team captain to sign the match card after the end of the match Bans him from performing the duty of a team captain for 1 M
14.6 Illegal performance of the function of team captain 1 W
14.7 Use of waiting time beyond the permitted limit


1.   Unsporting behaviour on the field
1.1 Shouting on the field, arguing before a kick or throw-in, non-compliance the prescribed position when performing a kick, feigning a foul or injury, tripping balls, arbitrarily leaving the playing area by a player, failing to wear the prescribed equipment, thwarting scoring opportunities by stopping an attacking player with an infringement against the rules, blocking reaching a goal with a deliberate hand in one’s own penalty area and other similar cases or repeated violations of the rules $10
2.   Unsporting behaviour towards competitors, teammates and/or spectators
2.1 Cursing, gestures, spitting, etc. actions intended to humiliate or ridicule the victim $10 – $20
2.2 Gross insults $20 – $30
2.3 Insults with racist undertones $25 – $100
2.4 Threatening $25 – $100
3.   Unsporting behaviour towards referees, officials, governing bodies and/or field managers
3.1 Criticism, gestures, disobeying $10 – $50
3.2 Violent protesting, insults $20 – $100
3.3 Vulgar expressions, derogatory statements, threats $20 – $100
3.4 Spitting, ripping out or stamping out the Match Record or cards from the hand $50 – $100
3.5 Intentional damage to the playground or facility $50 – $100 + reimbursement of the damage
4.   Fouls and unsportsmanlike play
4.1 Holding an opponent, pushing, thrusting, jumping on an opponent $10
4.2 Tripping an opponent, trying to cause his fall by setting his foot or crouching $10
4.3 Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent $10 – $30
4.4 Hitting or attempting to hit an opponent $10 – $30
5.   Physical attack of opponents, teammates, spectators, and retaliation on and/or off the field
5.1 By punching, thrusting, pushing, catching, hitting the attacked with a ball or other object and in another similar way, if the victim was not injured $10 – $100
5.2 In any way, if there was an injury to the attacked party, especially if it resulted in his incapacity for work $100 – $500
6.   Physical assault of a referee, official, governing authority or field administrators on and/or off the field
6.1 Insults, if the person insulted was not injured $50 – $200
6.2 Insults, if there was an injury to the person insulted, especially if it resulted in his incapacity for work $100 – $500
7.   Intentionally affecting the result of a match – disruption of the regularity of a match or the entire competition
7.1 In any way, even without payment or the promise of payment. Participation in the agreed result, intentionally influencing the outcome of the match by team members, bribing opponent players, referees or other officials, promises, bribes and other actions disrupting the regularity of the competition $100 – $500
7.2 Voluntary leaving the playing area by the entire team, refusal to continue the game, intentional failure to attend the match by the entire team, running onto the playing field during the match, etc. $50 – $200 + costs of the field rental
8.   Error in registration, transfer, and/or hosting
8.1 Falsification of data in internal documents of the CML, their invalidation, knowingly providing fictitious data, etc. $100 – $200
9.   Warning of players (Cards)
9.1 Awarding of the 4th yellow card in the season $0
9.2 Awarding of the 8th yellow card in the season $5
9.3 Awarding of the 12th yellow card in the season (for each subsequent 4th YC+1 W) $10
9.4 Red card (RC) – flat fee $5
10.     Illegal players and match cancellation
10.1 An illegal player in the match (penalty for the captain of the offending team) $0
10.2 An illegal player in the match (penalty for the offending team) According to the competition
10.3 An illegal player in the match (penalty for a player who started illegally) $0
10.4 Forfeited games in a season (loss by default/contumacy/No-Show)
1st contumacy
2nd contumacy
3rd and any subsequent contumacy

$50 – $80

$80 – $150
$150 – $200
11.     Mandatory team equipment
11.1 Missing ball for the game $10
11.2 Missing player equipment (shirt, shorts, cleats) $10
12.     Referees
12.1 Failure of the referee to officiate the match $50
12.2 Late arrival of the referee to the match, which causes it to start late $10
12.3 Arriving at the match in a state unfit for officiating $10 – $30
12.4 Significant influence on the match $0 – $50
12.5 Incomplete equipment of the referee $10
12.6 Incomplete match record $10
12.7 Late delivery of the Record of the match, failure to report the results $20
12.8 Failure to report disciplinary offences in time to the CML assignor $5
12.9 Failure to check registration cards or identity documents of players before the match $10
12.10 Allowing a player onto the field in incomplete equipment (jersey, shorts, cleats, protectors) $10
12.11 Failure to check the balls (number, density) intended for the game $5
12.12 Completion of the Match Record only after the signature of captains of both teams, storing the Match Record within reach of the players during the match, returning the players’ registration cards or identity documents to the captain before the end of the match $5
12.13 Non-participation in one of the announced referee training dates for the given half-season $5 – for each match in the given half-season
12.14 Failure to provide adequate compensation in case of refusal of a confirmed delegation after the specified period $15
12.15 In case of repeated offence (section 12.1 – 12.14) According to the decision of the CML assignor, possibly appeal body
13.     Consuming prohibited substances in the playing area and during the game
13.1 Ingestion of a prohibited substance by a member of the CML (such us drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.) in the area of the playing area and during the match $10 – $50
13.2 Joining the match in a state unfit to play $10 – $30
14.     Other offences
14.1 Non-attendance of the summoned person at the meeting of the CML or the appeal body without an excuse $15
14.2 Failure to properly perform the organizing service (untidy playground, unlined playground, etc.) $25
14.3 Disobeying the organizing service $10 – $25
14.4 Smoking a cigarette in the case of a member of the CML, and/or an official $10
14.5 Refusal of the team captain to sign the minutes after the match $10
14.6 Illegal performance of the function of team captain $5
14.7 Use of waiting time beyond the permitted limit
3rd time for the season
4th time for the season
5th time for the season and every other always with an increase of $5

Appendix A

Additional information to the list of fines and penalties
1 CML reserves the right to make changes to the List of Fines and Penalties (hereinafter referred to as the List). The right to propose a change in this List, any member registered in the CML. Each proposal for a change in this List shall be addressed by the Board of Directors of the CML (hereafter BOD CML) at its next meeting.
2 A flat fee of $5 is charged for each RC.
3 DC CML as an appeals body and BOD CML as the highest appellate body reserve the right in case of recidivism set higher penalties, or and financial penalties.
4 The DC CML will decide on matters not stipulated in the List, with possible reference to the BOD CML.
5 A conditional sentence can be attached to each sentence.
6 Deducted points determined by the above-mentioned List are deducted at the end of the given season.
7 Incidents that take place after the signing of the Record of the match by both captains in or outside the area of ​​the field, will be considered as aggravating circumstances.