Another game, another win for Strathcona

Strathcona Primo were dominant in their third game of the season against Mictlan FC. 

In typical Strathcona Primo fashion, they jumped out to an early lead. Within 30 seconds of the opening whistle, Strathcona started to apply the pressure, forcing Mictlan into a turnover. The ball was intercepted and after Mictlan made a save to stop the first shot, Matteo Flex was there for the rebound and the game’s first goal. Immediately after, Strathcona were back on the attack, and Flex made a run towards goal and finished the play with a strong strike in the third minute. Strathcona Primo continued their dominance for most of the first half, allowing zero room for Mictlan to do anything but defend. Anthony Page-Vicelli added a third goal for Strathcona in the 10th minute which was his first of the season. In the 16th minute, Mictlan finally got on the board with their first goal of the game. They escaped some tight pressure from Strathcona and Carlos Ibarra scored a great goal with a simple and tidy finish.

Strathcona responded to Mictlan’s opener with their fourth goal one minute later. It was a great display of teamwork and quick passing to quickly gain entry into Mictlan’s half, with Page-Vicelli at the front of the net for his second. To end the first half, it was Mictlan and Ibarra scoring again to cut the lead to 5-2. Despite efforts from Strathcona to clear the zone, the ball was played into the path of Ibarra and he let the ball bounce once before drilling it into the back of the net. A goal heavy first half saw Strathcona take a 5-2 lead into half-time. 

10 minutes of the first half surpassed before a goal was scored, and Mictlan was on the receiving end of another Strathcona goal. They scored three goals in three minutes, and the small glimpse of a comeback was destroyed as the lead extended to 8-2. Strathcona continued their attack and they were nowhere near finished, adding two more goals before the end of the game. Alex Pinson added his first goal of the season, ending Strathcona’s exhibition. The final whistle sounded, signaling the end of the game, and Mictlan being saved by the bell.

This was another rampant frenzy for Strathcona Primo, with the result of this game never being in doubt. A wonderful team exhibit with the ball moving quickly from one player to the other was the key for their second win of the season. Mictlan will look to tighten up their defense and provide some more fight on the offensive end.

Strathcona Primo 10-2 Mictlan FC

Goals: Flex (1’, 3’), Page-Vicelli (10’, 16’), Culleton (15’, 38’, 38’), #12 (36’, 44’), Pinson (47’) – Ibarra (16’, 22’)

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